Sunday, September 20, 2009

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Pirate Clark

Had a great night tonight with grandson Clark these are photos of Clark in his pirate boots and hat.

Thank God for little boys.

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Law of God verses The Law of Sin

My quiet time this morning was in Romans 7. I did an overview of the Chapter.

Why is it that the good things I want to do I do not do? And the very thing I do not want to do I do? This was the question that Paul asked in this chapter. I know I struggle with this. I desire to be holy and obedient to the Holy Spirit. However there are times I do just the opposite of what I know in my mind to be good and right. I become very frustrated with this. So what's really going on?

I know I have been regenerated in mind and I know I have the mind of Christ. The Law of God is written on my heart. There is no doubt in my mind Who I belong to. Jesus of course. This was settled several years ago. So why do I not do what my King Jesus tells me to do sometimes?

I get some insight from Paul's writings in Romans 7 to the believers in Rome Jews and Gentiles. I still have the Law of sin in my flesh. The law of sin is that sin nature that all humans have from birth. It has been pasted down from Adam. That is how I was before I became a Christian. Then it had total rule of me. But now I have the Law of God in my mind. Since I surrendered my every being to Jesus I have had this Law in me. The Law of God that is in me gives me the capacity to love spiritual truth. The Law of sin continues to claim what it considers it's property even after I have become a Christian. This is a war that will be waged until I die. I do believe the Law of God will is greater that the Law of Sin. As I serve God by living for the Lord and as I am obedient to Him, sin will loss it's grip on me. I see that happening daily in my life.

This is why it is so important to set strict boundaries for yourself. The Law of God will help you stay within your boundaries. Some good boundaries are:
1. A portion of your day set aside to study and meditate on God's word.
2. Memorize scripture
3. Pray
4. Limited TV watching and internet. Don't watch programs that you know are feeding the flesh and promote ungodly lifestyles.
5. Keep your mind clean. Don't look at things that will cause your mind to wonder.
6. Be a faithful Church attender and get involved in a Bible Study Group.
7. Think on things of the Lord, always be thinking about what He would have you do. Go to Him for your answers.
8. Never stay the same. Challenge yourself to grow everyday in the knowledge of the Word of God and repent when necessary
9. Learn to use Spiritual Warfare. Use it daily.
10. Have the attitude in yourself that is in Christ Jesus. Humble Yourself. Think of others. Choose Love and Forgiveness.

Someday I will join my exalted Lord for all eternity in a new body free from the presence of sin.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Benifits of Obedience

In my quiet time today I studied Romans 6. This is Paul speaking to the believers in Rome. He begins by reminding them that since they are under grace (saved) it is not a licence to sin so grace will abound. The abundance of God grace (giving us something we do not deserve) is never designed to encourage sin.

I am baptized into Christ and His death and I am buried with Him ( I was buried with Jesus to my former sinful ways of living) and as He rose from the dead I am to walk in newness of life. This is the guarantee of physical life. I received Jesus Christ when I believed He is God's Son and God raised Him from the dead. At that time I became separated from my sin that brings death and then I got life a new life. Believers can not live in sin (sin like they did before they were saved) if they are dead to it. This is the basis of the Holy Spirit's continuing work.

Death does not master over Jesus Christ and since I am dead with Him, death does not master over me. I am dead (separated from) sin and I am alive to God in Christ Jesus. Christ's resurrection was a removal from the sphere of physical death to an unending spiritual form of life. Which I have since I am HIS.
I will not let sin control me. I will not obey sin's desire. My body is a tool of righteousness. When one is reigned by sin, sin manifests itself through their physical actions in their body. Why should I give in to my mortal body? My mortal body is decaying. It would be strange for me to allow a dying body master me. My body is used to promote righteousness.

I am a slave to the one I obey. If I obey sin I am a slave to sin which results in unrighteousness (evil doings) but if I obey God the results is righteousness and I am being sanctified. I am obedient from the heart to the form of teaching to which I am committed (the Word of God). Righteousness is the natural result of obeying God and His word and living for Him. It would be totally contrary to God's plan for me to be a slave to sin !!!

When I was a slave to sin and did not regard righteousness the out come was death. Separation from God. Sin = death Free gift of God = eternal life The benefit of living for God so out weights the benefit of sin. When you live in sin you do things that will someday be ashamed of and even worse death forever. But respond to Jesus and accept Him and here is some of your benefits.
1. Set free
2. Clean living (nothing to be ashamed of)
3. Righteousness
4. Sanctification
5. Holiness
6. Eternal life

Which would you choose?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Grumbling Not Allowed

Today in my time of Bible Study I read from Exo 15: 22-24, Exo. 16:2-12, Num. 14: 2-29, Psm. 106: 25, and Num. 16: 11-50. Each was an account of the grumblings of the Children of Israel. Here are some things I noted:
1. The Children of Israel were only three days out from one of the greatest miracles recorded in the Old Testament and they grumbled because they did not have water. They had just seen God move the water so they could walk through on dry land and destroyed their enemies with water but yet they did not trust that God could give them water on their journey.
2. They were grumbling against Moses and Aaron but really they were upset with God and did not like the way He was taking care of them.
3. God heard their grumblings and He knew what was on their heart.
4. God always showed up. In a cloud, in the tent of meeting, and in the fire. He came to Moses' rescue every time.
5. God has great mercy. He gave them water and did not punish them.
6. God listen to Moses. He was going to destroy the Children of Israel but Moses spoke on their behalf and ask Him not to so His (God's) name would not be spoken bad of.
7. Moses and Aaron humbled themselves before the people and fail on their face. They knew where their help came from.
8. There are some who are faithful like Caleb & Joshua who gave a good report and believed God could do what He says.

Some questions I would ask you & me are:

Do I grumble against my leaders when things don't go your way? If so, It's not them I am grumbling against it's God. I need to go to Him and pray for my leaders and trust God for my needs.

Do I trust God will show up when others are grumbling against me? Do I fall on my face before God and trust Him to show up or do I rise up in pride and try to defend myself?

We need to ask God If we are grumbling today and repent. Pray for those who God has placed in our life as leaders and authority. Trust God to meet our needs and look for Him to show up.

Humble yourself before the mighty hand of God.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Camping in the Mountains

I just got back from camping in the Cherokee National Forrest (Tellico Mountains) at Big Oak Camp Ground. It was so nice. Tommy fished and I got to have some quiet time to study and read. While I was there I studied Romans 3-5. The main point that God was speaking to me about was as follows:

While I was a sinner and living opposite of the character of God, He sent His Son Jesus to die for me. Not only that I was an enemy of God and He still sent Christ to die for me. God demonstrated His love for me by the sacrifice of His Son Jesus on the cross. Because of my response by faith to Christ's sacrifice on the cross, God has declared me righteous. God will not love me any more or less no matter what I do. He could not love me any more than to give His only Son so I can LIVE!!!!


About Me

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Athens, Tennessee, United States
Married to Tommy. Two children Don & John. Two daughter's in love Alison & Lauren. One Grandson Clark(John & Lauren's) and a granddaughter Capri (Don & Alison's)